§ DID Registration

Specification Status: Draft

Latest Draft: identity.foundation/did-registration

Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech)
Markus Sabadello (Danube Tech)
Cihan Saglam (Danube Tech)
Ahamed Azeem (Danube Tech)
GitHub repo
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§ Abstract

Each DID method specifies how to create/resolve/update/deactivate DIDs within a given verifiable data registry. How exactly this works can be very different depending on the DID method and may involve various steps, architectural components, and network communication. The process of resolving a DID to a DID document by executing the read() operation is well-understood and specified in the DID Resolution specification. This document complements the concept of a “DID Resolver” by also defining a “DID Registrar” component that can execute the three remaining create/update/deactivate operations via a common interface.

This specification does NOT specify a DID method. It does NOT specify how to build a verifiable data registry, only a “DID Registrar” component that can interact with a verifiable data registry. This specification also does NOT suggest that private keys should be controlled by any other entity than the DID controller.

§ Status of This Document

DID Registration is a draft specification under development within the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF (DIF), and designed to incorporate the requirements and learnings from related work of the most active industry players into a shared specification that meets the collective needs of the community. This spec is regularly updated to reflect relevant changes, and we encourage active engagement on GitHub (see above) and other mediums (e.g. DIF) where this work is being done.

§ Terminology

Term Definition
Decentralized Identifier (DID) A globally unique persistent identifier that does not require a centralized registration authority and is often generated and/or registered cryptographically.
DID Method A definition of how a specific DID scheme implementeds the precise operations by which DIDs are created, resolved and deactivated and DID documents are written and updated.
DID Document A set of data describing the DID subject, service and verification methods, that the DID subject or a DID delegate can use to authenticate itself and prove its association with the DID.
DID Registrar A software and/or hardware component that implements the DID create/update/deactivate functions.
DID Resolver A software and/or hardware component that implements the DID resolution function.
Wallet A software and/or hardware component that can securely store DIDs and associated private keys and other sensitive cryptographic key material. Wallets implement various interfaces for cryptographic key generation, signing, verification, and other operations.

§ Key Management

The DID create/update/deactivate functions raise architectural questions around key management, since they typically involve the generation and use of private keys and other secrets.

With regard to key management, a DID Registrar can operate in the following modes:

§ Internal Secret Mode

In this mode, the DID Registrar is responsible for generating the DID controller keys used by DID operations. This means that the DID Registrar is considered a highly trusted component which should be fully under the control of a DID controller. If it is operated as a remotely hosted service, secure connection protocols such as TLS, DIDComm, etc. MUST be used.

This mode has two options that control how DID controller keys are handled: storeSecrets and returnSecrets.

The storeSecrets and returnSecrets options can be enabled or disabled independently. A DID Registrar may define default values for these options, and/or it may allow a client to set them via the options input field.

Note that if neither option is enabled, then control over a DID may get permanently lost, since the DID Registrar operating in Internal Secret Mode will generate DID controller keys internally, but it will neither store them nor return them to a client.

If a DID Registrar is configured with options storeSecrets=false and returnSecrets=true, then a DID Registrar with option storeSecrets=true can be simulated by building a “wrapping DID Registrar” around an “inner DID Registrar”.

Diagram showing Internal Secret Mode

§ External Secret Mode

In this mode, the DID Registrar does not itself have access to the secrets used by DID operations, but it has a way of accessing an external wallet in order to perform cryptographic operations such as generating signatures.

The interface between the DID Registrar and an external wallet is out of scope for this specification, but could potentially use wallet or key management interfaces defined by other specifications, e.g.:

If additional information (such as a URL, or tenant ID, or secret key, etc.) is required in order for the DID Registrar to be able to access the external wallet, then such information could be preconfigured in the DID Registrar, or alternatively supplied by a client in the options and/or secret input fields.

Diagram showing External Secret Mode

§ Client-managed Secret Mode

In this mode, the DID Registrar does not itself have access to the secrets used by DID operations, but it will ask the client to perform cryptographic operations such as generating signatures.


Explain how the did:ion use case fits in, where the client supplies the public keys / commitments during the create operation.

This mode has one option that controls how DID controller keys are handled: clientSecretMode.

Diagram showing Client-Managed Secret Mode

§ Operations

This section defines interfaces for the standard DID operations create(), update(), and deactivate().

§ create()

create(method, options, secret, didDocument) -> jobId, didState, didRegistrationMetadata, didDocumentMetadata

This function creates a new DID and associated DID document, according to a known DID method, using various options and optionally an initial DID document.

§ update()

update(did, options, secret, didDocumentOperation, didDocument) -> jobId, didState, didRegistrationMetadata, didDocumentMetadata

This function updates the DID document associated with the DID, either by completely replacing it, or by performing an incremental update, or in another way. The specific update operation to be executed is specified in the didDocumentOperation input field.

§ deactivate()

deactivate(did, options, secret) -> jobId, didState, didRegistrationMetadata, didDocumentMetadata

This function deactivates the DID and associated DID document.

§ execute()

execute(did, options, secret, operation, operationData) -> jobId, didState, operationResult, didRegistrationMetadata, didDocumentMetadata

This function executes an operation that uses the DID but is not related to the standard create/update/deactivate operations. This is essentially an extensibility feature that makes it possible to perform operations that do not affect the DID or DID document itself, but use them for any kind of additional functionality which uses the DID. The specific operation to be executed is specified in the operation input field.


This operation is currently an experimental feature.

§ Input Fields

§ method

This input field indicates the DID method that should be used for the DID operation.

For the create() function, if the did input field is absent or its value is null, then this input field MUST NOT be null, otherwise it MUST be null.

For the update() function and deactivate() function, this input field MUST be null, since the DID method is determined by the did input field.

Possible values:

§ did

This input field indicates the DID that is the target of the DID operation.

For the create() function, this input field is OPTIONAL. Specific DID methods typically restrict how this input field is used.

For the update() function and deactivate() function, this input field MUST NOT be null.

§ options

This input field contains an object with various options for the DID operation, such as the network where the DID should be created, or instructions that influence the DID operation. Options may be DID method-specific or may be universally applicable across all DID methods.

This specification defines several DID method-independent properties for this field that are relevant to Key Management.


	"did": null,
	"options": {
		"clientSecretMode": true,
		"network": "mainnet"
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocument": { ... }

§ clientSecretMode

In Client-managed Secret Mode, if the clientSecretMode option is set to true, then the DID Registrar will enable client-managed secret mode and let the client perform cryptographic operations such as generating signatures.


	"did": null,
	"options": {
		"clientSecretMode": true
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocument": { ... }

§ storeSecrets

In Internal Secret Mode, if the storeSecrets option is set to true, then the DID Registrar maintains an internal wallet where DIDs and DID controller keys can be stored. The DID controller keys can then be used in future DID operations. For example, if a create() operation is executed, then a subsequent update() or deactivate() operation will be able to use existing DID controller keys stored in the DID Registrar.


	"did": null,
	"options": {
		"storeSecrets": true
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocument": { ... }

§ returnSecrets

In Internal Secret Mode, if the returnSecrets option is set to true, then the DID Registrar will return generated DID controller keys to the client.


	"did": null,
	"options": {
		"returnSecrets": true
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocument": { ... }

§ secret

This input field contains an object with DID controller keys and other secrets.

In Internal Secret Mode, this input field MAY contain one or more of the following:


	"did": null,
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": {
		"verificationMethod": [{
			"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
			"controller": "did:example:123",
			"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation"],
			"privateKeyJwk": {
				"kty": "EC",
				"d": "-s-PwFdfgcdBPTDbJwZuiAFHCuI8r9vR13OGHo14--4",
				"crv": "secp256k1",
				"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
				"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"
	"didDocument": { ... }

In Client-managed Secret Mode, this input field MAY contain one or more of the following:


	"did": null,
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": {
		"verificationMethod": [{
			"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
			"controller": "did:example:123",
			"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation"],
			"publicKeyJwk": {
				"kty": "EC",
				"crv": "secp256k1",
				"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
				"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"
	"didDocument": { ... }


	"jobId": "155eae21-45e5-4e71-bb22-fef51cda5bf7",
	"did": null,
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": {
		"signingResponse": {
			"signingRequest1": {
				"signature": "<-- base64 encoded -->",
				"kid": "did:example:123#key-0",
				"alg": "EdDSA"
	"didDocument": { ... }


	"jobId": "155eae21-45e5-4e71-bb22-fef51cda5bf7",
	"did": null,
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": {
		"decryptionResponse": {
			"decryptionRequest1": {
				"decryptedPayload": "<-- base64 encoded -->"
	"didDocument": { ... }

§ didDocumentOperation

This input field indicates which update operation(s) should be applied to a DID’s associated DID document.

For the create() function, this input field MUST be absent, and is implied to have a single value of setDidDocument.

For the update() function, this input field is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST contain a JSON array of string values to indicate one or more DID document operations that should be performed. If it is absent, it is implied to have a single value of "setDidDocument".

For the deactivate() function, this input field MUST be absent.

This specification defines several standard values for this operation. Individual DID methods MAY specify other ways of executing an update() function.

Possible values:


	"did": "did:example:123",
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocumentOperation": ["setDidDocument"],
	"didDocument": [{
		"@context": [
		"id": "did:example:123",
		"verificationMethod": [{
			"id": "did:example:123#key-1",
			"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
			"controller": "did:example:123",
			"publicKeyJwk": {
				"kty": "OKP",
				"crv": "Ed25519",
				"x": "VCpo2LMLhn6iWku8MKvSLg2ZAoC-nlOyPVQaO3FxVeQ"


	"did": "did:example:123",
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocumentOperation": ["removeFromDidDocument", "addToDidDocument"],
	"didDocument": [{
			"verificationMethod": [{
				"id": "did:example:123#key-1"
			"verificationMethod": [{
				"id": "did:example:123#key-2",
				"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
				"controller": "did:example:123",
				"publicKeyJwk": {
					"kty": "OKP",
					"crv": "Ed25519",
					"x": "eylT8wroHZUY8Qv6tlMYQWFe88U0Mi5_lI8eud9xgPg"

Note that some of the above update operations can be internally transformed into others, e.g.:

A DID Registrar may or may not support certain update operations, and it may or may not support internal transformation between them.

§ didDocument

This input field contains either a complete DID document, or incremental changes in a DID document, depending on the value of the didDocumentOperation input field.

For the create() function, this input field MUST contain a single JSON object value.

For the update() function, this input field is OPTIONAL. If present, it MUST contain a JSON array of JSON object values.

For the deactivate() function, this input field MUST be absent.

For the execute() function, this input field MUST be absent.

§ operation

This input field indicates which operation(s) should be executed when the execute() function function is used to execute an operation that does not affect the DID or DID document itself.

For the create() function, update() function, and deactivate() function this input field MUST be absent.

For the execute() function, this input field is REQUIRED and MUST contain a JSON array of string values to indicate one or more operations that should be executed.

This specification does not define any concrete operation. It is expected that such operations will often be DID method-specific, although it is also possible that method-independent operations could be defined in the future by other specifications.


	"options": {
		"network": "mainnet"
	"operation": ["addToTrustRegistry"],
	"operationData": [{
		"trustRegistryUrl": "https://example.com/registry"

§ operationData

This input field contains additional data when the execute() function function is used to execute an operation that does not affect the DID or DID document itself.

For the create() function, update() function, and deactivate() function this input field MUST be absent.

For the execute() function, this input field is REQUIRED and MUST contain a JSON array of JSON object values.

§ Output Fields

§ jobId

When executing DID operations, an operation can turn into a longer-running “job”, during which the operation’s state might change. In order for a DID operation to complete, the DID create/update/deactivate functions may have to be called multiple times, and the jobId is used to keep track of the ongoing process.

This output field MUST be absent or have a null value if the value of the didState.state output field is either finished or failed, and MUST NOT have a null value otherwise.


	"jobId": "2a4b5d3f-7af9-44c8-a5c8-39f893fa0f78",
	"didState": { ... },
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didState

This output field contains an object with the following fields:

In Client-managed Secret Mode, this output field MAY contain one or more of the following:

§ didState.state

This output field contains the current state of the DID operations. It is used to indicate if a DID operation is finished, failed, or if a longer-running “job” has been created that requires additional steps.

This specification defines four well-known values for this property: finished, failed, action, wait. These values are further explained in States.

The following diagram illustrates the use of the didState.state output field and jobId output field output fields.

Diagram showing the flow and states of DID operations

§ didState.did

This output field contains the DID at the end of the DID operation.

For the create() function, if the value of the didState.state output field is "finished", then the value of this output field MUST NOT be null.

For the update() function and deactivate() function, this output field MUST NOT be null, and its value MUST match the did input field that was used when executing the function.

§ didState.secret

This output field contains an object with DID controller keys and other secrets.

It MUST be present if the DID Registrar is operating in Internal Secret Mode and the returnSecrets option is set to true, and MUST NOT be present otherwise.

In Internal Secret Mode, this output field MAY contain one or more of the following:


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "finished",
		"did": "did:key:z6MknhhUUtbXCLRmUVhYG7LPPWN4CTKWXTLsygHMD6Ah5uDN",
		"secret": {
			"verificationMethod": [{
				"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
				"controller": "did:example:123",
				"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation"],
				"privateKeyJwk": {
					"kty": "EC",
					"d": "-s-PwFdfgcdBPTDbJwZuiAFHCuI8r9vR13OGHo14--4",
					"crv": "secp256k1",
					"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
					"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"
		"didDocument": { ... }
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

In Client-managed Secret Mode, this output field MAY contain one or more of the following:


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "finished",
		"did": "did:key:z6MknhhUUtbXCLRmUVhYG7LPPWN4CTKWXTLsygHMD6Ah5uDN",
		"secret": {
			"verificationMethod": [{
				"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
				"controller": "did:example:123",
				"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation"],
				"publicKeyJwk": {
					"kty": "EC",
					"crv": "secp256k1",
					"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
					"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"
		"didDocument": { ... }
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

The didState.secret output field MAY contain additional properties that are considered secrets, such as seeds, passwords, etc.

§ didState.didDocument

This output field contains the DID document after the DID operation has been successfully executed.

This output field is OPTIONAL.


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "finished",
		"did": "did:key:z6MknhhUUtbXCLRmUVhYG7LPPWN4CTKWXTLsygHMD6Ah5uDN",
		"secret": { ... },
		"didDocument": {
			"@context": [
			"id": "did:example:123",
			"verificationMethod": [{
				"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
				"id": "did:example:123#key-1",
				"publicKeyBase58": "EqRvGzVX3aoLYwZSdKhNd2q5Ez7EVbdPA4DVZW3ngn1U"
			"authentication": ["did:example:123#key-1"],
			"assertionMethod": ["did:example:123#key-1"]
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didRegistrationMetadata

This output field contains metadata about the registration process itself.

Possible uses of the didRegistrationMetadata output field:

§ didDocumentMetadata

This output field contains metadata about the DID’s associated DID document.

Possible uses of the didDocumentMetadata output field:

§ operationResult

This output field contains the result when the execute() function function is used to execute an operation that does not affect the DID or DID document itself.

For the create() function, update() function, and deactivate() function this output field MUST be absent.

For the execute() function, this output field is REQUIRED and MUST contain a JSON array of JSON object values.


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": { ... },
	"operationResult": [{
		"myResult": "myResultValue"
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ States

The following sections explain the possible states of a DID registration process, which are returned as values of the didState.state output field.

§ didState.state="finished"

This state indicates that the DID operation has been completed.


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "finished",
		"did": "did:key:z6MknhhUUtbXCLRmUVhYG7LPPWN4CTKWXTLsygHMD6Ah5uDN",
		"secret": { ... },
		"didDocument": { ... }
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didState.state="failed"

This state indicates that the DID operation has failed.

In this state, the didState output field MUST contain a reason property that indicates the reason for the failure.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this state.


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "failed",
		"did": "did:key:z6MknhhUUtbXCLRmUVhYG7LPPWN4CTKWXTLsygHMD6Ah5uDN",
		"reason": "networkUnavailable"
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didState.state="action"

This state indicates that the client needs to perform an action, before the DID operation can be continued.

Possible uses for didState.state="action":

In this state, the didState output field MUST contain an action property that indicates the type of action that needs to be performed.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this state.

This specification defines the following well-known values for the action property that may be used in this state:


	"jobId": "155eae21-45e5-4e71-bb22-fef51cda5bf7",
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "fundingRequired",
		"description": "Please fund the address mzUC2F1XgXfTJEYUBZXdG6M8wWWvhgEknG."
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didState.action="redirect"

This action indicates that the client needs to be redirected to a web page, e.g. an onboarding service where the DID controller takes certain steps, before the DID operation can be continued.

With this action, the didState output field MUST contain a redirectUrl property, which indicates the URL of the web page where the client needs to be redirected.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this action.


How does this work exactly if the client is not browser-based?


Does this need features from other well-known redirect-based protocols (e.g. OAuth), such as callback URLs, nonces, states, etc.?


	"jobId": "155eae21-45e5-4e71-bb22-fef51cda5bf7",
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "redirect",
		"redirectUrl" : "https://..."
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ didState.action="getVerificationMethod"

This action indicates that the client needs to provide a newly generated or already existing verification method, before the DID operation can be continued.

This action is used in Client Managed Secret Mode.

The didState output field MUST contain a property verificationMethodTemplate with a JSON array containing one or more Verification Method Template data structures.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this action.


Explain that the generated verification method must then be included in either “secret” or “didDocument” in next request.


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "getVerificationMethod",
		"verificationMethodTemplate": [{
			"id": "#key-1",
			"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018"
	"didRegistrationMetadata": {},
	"didDocumentMetadata": {}


	"jobId": null,
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "getVerificationMethod",
		"verificationMethodTemplate": [{
			"purpose": ["recovery"],
			"type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019"
	"didRegistrationMetadata": {},
	"didDocumentMetadata": {}

§ didState.action="signPayload"

This action indicates that the client needs to generate a signature on a payload, before the DID operation can be continued.

This action is used in Client Managed Secret Mode.

The didState output field MUST contain a property signingRequest with a Signing Request Set data structure.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this action.


	"jobId": "1234",
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "signPayload",
		"signingRequest": {
			"signingRequest1": {
				"payload": {
				"serializedPayload": "<-base64->",
				"kid": "did:example:123#key-0",
				"alg": "EdDSA"
			"signingRequest2": {
				"serializedPayload": "<-base64->",
				"alg": "ES256K",
				"purpose": "authentication" // describes the purpose of the requested signature
	"didRegistrationMetadata": {},
	"didDocumentMetadata": {}

§ didState.action="decryptPayload"

This action indicates that the client needs to decrypt a payload, before the DID operation can be continued.

This action is used in Client Managed Secret Mode.

The didState output field MUST contain a property decryptionRequest with a Decryption Request Set data structure.

The didState output field MAY contain additional properties that are relevant to this action.


	"jobId": "1234",
	"didState": {
		"state": "action",
		"action": "decryptPayload",
		"decryptionRequest": {
			"decryptionRequest1": {
				"encryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
				"kid": null,
				"enc": "A128GCM"
			"decryptionRequest2": {
				"encryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
				"kid": null,
				"enc": "A256GCM"
	"didRegistrationMetadata": {},
	"didDocumentMetadata": {}

§ didState.state="wait"

This state indicates that the client needs to wait, before the DID operation can be continued.

Possible uses for didState.state="wait":

In this state, the didState output field MUST contain a wait property, and MAY contain additional properties, to explain the reason for the failure.


	"jobId": "155eae21-45e5-4e71-bb22-fef51cda5bf7",
	"didState": {
		"state": "wait",
		"wait": "Please wait until the transaction is complete.",
		"waitTime": 3600000
	"didRegistrationMetadata": { ... },
	"didDocumentMetadata": { ... }

§ DID URL Operations

In addition to the DID Operations defined in previous sections, this specification also defines operations on resources identified by DID URLs.

§ createResource()

createResource(did, relativeDidUrl, options, secret, content) -> jobId, didUrlState, didRegistrationMetadata, contentMetadata

This function creates a new DID URL and associated resource, according to a known DID method, using various options and optionally the initial resource data.

§ updateResource()

updateResource(did, relativeDidUrl, options, secret, contentOperation, content) -> jobId, didUrlState, didRegistrationMetadata, contentMetadata

This function updates the content of the resource associated with the DID URL, either by completely replacing it, or by performing an incremental update, or in another way. The specific update resource operation to be executed is specified in the contentOperation input field.

§ deactivateResource()

deactivateResource(did, relativeDidUrl, options, secret) -> jobId, didUrlState, didRegistrationMetadata, contentMetadata

This function deactivates the DID URL and associated resource.

§ Data Structures

This specification defines a number of data structures that appear in the input fields and output fields.

§ Verification Method Public Data

This data structure is used as follows, when public data about a verification method is exchanged between the client and the DID Registrar:

A Verification Method Public Data structure is a JSON object based on the verification method data model as defined by [DID-CORE], with the following differences:


	"id": "did:example:123#key-0",
	"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
	"controller": "did:example:123",
	"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation"],
	"publicKeyJwk": {
		"kty": "EC",
		"crv": "secp256k1",
		"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
		"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"


	"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
	"controller": "did:example:123",
	"purpose": ["recovery"],
	"publicKeyMultibase": "z5TVraf9itbKXrRvt2DSS95Gw4vqU3CHAdetoufdcKazA"

§ Verification Method Private Data

This data structure is used as follows, when private data about a verification method is exchanged between the client and the DID Registrar:

A Verification Method Private Data structure is a JSON object based on the Verification Method Public Data structure, with the following difference:


	"id": "did:example:123#key-0",
	"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
	"controller": "did:example:123",
	"purpose": [ "authentication", "assertionMethod", "capabilityDelegation", "capabilityInvocation" ],
	"privateKeyJwk": {
		"kty": "EC",
		"d": "-s-PwFdfgcdBPTDbJwZuiAFHCuI8r9vR13OGHo14--4",
		"crv": "secp256k1",
		"x": "htusHse5FMBnT_4266kn9T2yMmjDllwWvVSc_I2-WZ0",
		"y": "RjE_GjsRMELYJ6XuNSFDu3mCbyJnCQ26X_YtmyM9Bfo"


	"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
	"controller": "did:example:123",
	"purpose": ["recovery"],
	"privateKeyMultibase": "z5TVraf9itbKXrRvt2DSS95Gw4vqU3CHAdetoufdcKazA"

§ Verification Method Template

This data structure is used as follows:

A Verification Method Template structure is a JSON object based on the verification method data model as defined by [DID-CORE], with the following differences:

Example Verification Method Template containing properties id and type:

	"id": "#key-1",
	"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018"

Example Verification Method Template containing properties purpose and type:

	"purpose": ["recovery"],
	"type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019"

§ Signing Request Set

This data structure is used as follows:

A Signing Request Set structure is a JSON object. Each property name in that JSON object is called a signing request ID, and the corresponding property value MUST be a JSON object which is called the Signing Request.

A Signing Request contains the following properties:

Example Signing Request Set containing two Signing Requests with IDs signingRequest1 and signingRequest2:

	"signingRequest": {
		"signingRequest1": {
			"payload": {
			"serializedPayload": "<-base64->",
			"kid": "did:example:123#key-0",
			"alg": "EdDSA"
		"signingRequest2": {
			"serializedPayload": "<-base64->",
			"alg": "ES256K",
			"purpose": "authentication" // describes the purpose of the requested signature

§ Signing Response Set

This data structure is used as follows:

A Signing Response Set structure is a JSON object. Each property name MUST match a signing request ID which was previously received by the client in a Signing Request Set. The corresponding property value MUST be a JSON object which is called the Signing Response.

A Signing Response contains the following properties:

Example Signing Response Set containing two Signing Responses:

	"signingResponse": {
		"signingRequest1": {
			"signature": "<-base64->",
			"kid": "did:example:123#key-0",
			"alg": "EdDSA"
		"signingRequest2": {
			"signature": "<-base64->",
			"alg": "ES256K",
			"purpose": "authentication" // describes the purpose of the requested signature

§ Decryption Request Set

This data structure is used as follows:

A Decryption Request Set structure is a JSON object. Each property name in that JSON object is called a decryption request ID, and the corresponding property value MUST be a JSON object which is called the Decryption Request.

A Decryption Request contains the following properties:

Example Decryption Request Set containing two Decryption Requests with IDs decryptionRequest1 and decryptionRequest2:

	"decryptionRequest1": {
		"encryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
		"kid": null,
		"enc": "A128GCM"
	"decryptionRequest2": {
		"encryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
		"kid": null,
		"enc": "A256GCM"

§ Decryption Response Set

This data structure is used as follows:

A Decryption Response Set structure is a JSON object. Each property name MUST match a decryption request ID which was previously received by the client in a Decryption Request Set. The corresponding property value MUST be a JSON object which is called the Decryption Response.

A Decryption Response contains the following properties:

Example Decryption Response Set containing two Decryption Responses:

	"decryptionRequest1": {
		"decryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
		"key": "did:example:123#key-1",
		"enc": "A128GCM"
	"decryptionRequest2": {
		"decryptedPayload": "<-base64->",
		"key": "did:example:123#key-2",
		"enc": "A256GCM"

§ Extensions

This section documents various optional extension features that can complement the main functionality of a DID Registrar to accommodate advanced use cases.

§ options.requestVerificationMethod

Normally, when creating or updating a DID, only cryptographic keys that are required by the applicable DID method itself are generated, in other words, keys that are needed for DID operations themselves. Depending on the DID method, these keys may or may not appear in the DID document.

Irrespective of DID method-specific differences with regard to keys, it may sometimes be useful to add additional keys to a DID document. This can be done by adding a requestVerificationMethod option. If present, this option MUST contain a JSON array containing one or more Verification Method Template data structures.


	"did": null,
	"options": {
		"requestVerificationMethod": [{
			"id": "#signingKey",
			"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
			"purpose": ["authentication", "assertionMethod"]
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocument": { ... }

In the above example, a client instructs a DID Registrar to add a verification method with "id": "#signingKey" and "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018", even if this verification method is not required for the DID operation itself.

§ didDocumentOperation="deactivate"

The update() function uses the didDocumentOperation input field to determine what type of update operation should be applied to a DID’s associated DID document. Deactivating a DID is normally done by using the separate deactivate() function.

However, it is also possible to model deactivation as a special type of update operation. For this purpose, this section defines the value deactivate for the didDocumentOperation input field. This can be especially useful if atomic combinations of update and deactivate functions are required, since a single execution of the update() function can include multiple entries in the didDocumentOperation input field.


	"did": "did:example:123",
	"options": { ... },
	"secret": { ... },
	"didDocumentOperation": ["removeFromDidDocument", "deactivate"],
	"didDocument": [{
		"verificationMethod": [{
			"id": "did:example:123#key-1"

In the above example, a client instructs a DID Registrar to first remove a verification method from a DID document, and then deactivate the DID.

§ Architecture Considerations

In order to implement a library or tool that supports the above interfaces for creating, updating, and deactivating DIDs in a method-agnostic way, we can imagine a similar architecture as is common for a DID Resolver, i.e. using a set of drivers that perform method-specific operations.

Some architectural questions that apply to a DID Resolver also apply to a DID Registrar, e.g.:

§ HTTPS Binding

The abstract interfaces defined by this specification can be implemented and deployed in the form of bindings to different concrete protocols and transports. This section defines a binding based on HTTP POST operations, with inputs and outputs sent in the HTTP body, encoded as JSON.

In this binding, a secure HTTPS connection with at least TLS 1.2 MUST be used.

Each one of the three operations can be invoked via a separate HTTPS endpoint, for example:


The following HTTP status codes are used for the create() function:

The following HTTP status codes are used for the update() function:

The following HTTP status codes are used for the deactivate() function operation:

See here for an OpenAPI definition.

§ Normative References

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0. Drummond Reed; Manu Sporny; Markus Sabadello; Dave Longley; Christopher Allen; Jonathan Holt; 2020-09-07. Status: WD.
JSON Web Signature (JWS). M. Jones; J. Bradley; N. Sakimura; 2015-05. Status: Proposed Standard.
JSON Web Encryption (JWE). M. Jones; J. Hildebrand; 2015-05. Status: Proposed Standard.
JSON Web Key (JWK). M. Jones; 2015-05. Status: Proposed Standard.

§ Acknowledgements

Supported by NGI TRUSTCHAIN, which is made possible with financial support from the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet programme.

§ Appendix

§ Other Resources

The following projects are working on DID registration across different DID methods.

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