Ontology's Challenge
Tracks: Reusable Identity
Register: DevPost
Informational Session: Watch the recording
DIF Hackathon Discord Channel: #ontology
Website: Ontology
ONT Login is a decentralized universal authentication login component that helps developers shield the details of authentication implementation, and can quickly bring a Web 3.0 secure login experience to enterprises and services. It gives a great presentation of how reuseable identity can be applied in any Web2 / Web3 applications with the protection of users data and privacy. Currently, users need to log into the service via ONT ID. It is fully open source and supports multi-SDKs.
To optimize the developers’ building experience, as well as demonstrate its easy integration with any single app. We are inviting the developers to
- Make repo for the relevant technical documentation or its SDKs.
- Or provide a demo case for integrating ONT Login to their existing applications, say setting ONT Login as one of their user login methods.
- 1st place: $1,000 USD
- 2nd place: $500 USD
- 3rd place: $300 USD
Submission Requirements
- W3C-compliant verifiable credentials.
- 3-minute video describing the application and its functionality.
- URL to the public code repository.
- Text description of:
- Project's features and functionality.
- How DIDs, VCs, and other submission requirements were used in the application.
Tooling and resources
You can find more information via:
- Official website: https://login.ont.id/
- Documentation: https://docs.ont.io/decentralized-identity-and-data/ontid/ont-login
- Back-end SDK: https://github.com/ont-id/ontlogin-sdk-go
- Front-end SDK: https://github.com/ont-id/ontlogin-sdk-js