Data Agreements

Definition of the standards managing the lifecycle of Data Agreements for usage of the verifiable credentials under the Verifier Universal Interface protocol, as well as its relations with other protocols in VUI.

Data usage and data sharing is a major concern in all digital services and for the last decade, regulation has increased according to user needs.

On the Decentralized Identity model, there is no current support for the management of the data. Considering the user experience perspective, user rights and service provider risk assessment and data management processes, a specific protocol to agree on the usage of verifiable credentials could be attractive for verifiers.

This document proposes a specific Data Model to manage data agreements. It also defines a basic protocol and the mechanisms to embed it inside a Presentation Exchange, which could be supported by multiple exchange standards.

Despite its format, this document doesn't aim to be published on the W3C as a standard normative, rather it aims to offer a new protocol that is applicable to known SSI frameworks for the improvement of data management. Other protocol extensions shall be discussed and included if considered appropriate.


Regarding standarization efforts on enforcing a technical consent on the usage of Verifiable Credentials, there seems to be a gap that hasn't been filled yet.

The Consent & Information Sharing Work Group at Kantara has been working on a generic Consent Receipts specification that could apply to any digital service. The ISO organization has also provided some guidelines and is working on the subject:

In the context of SSI frameworks however, some organizations could have proprietary implementations of consent mechanisms, such as Verifiable Consents; but no standard has received major adherence.

In the context of the EssifLab, the Automated Data Agreement project has been created. It builds upon Kantara Consent Receipts to allow a data privacy mechanisms to be enforced in the framework of Hyperledger Aries.

The benefits of Automated Data Agreement in the management of DPIA are presented in [[ADA]]. This kind of protocol could also be integrated in automation tools to manage a company's DPIA.

This document will try to offer an adaptation, built upon both Automated Data Agreements and Kantara Consent Receipts, of those same data privacy mechanisms in the context of the Verifier Universal Interface; that is, avoiding specific technical solutions and in comunion to other related interfaces such as the Presentation Exchange.


Decentralized Identifier (DID)
As defined in [[DID-CORE]].
DID document
As defined in [[DID-CORE]].
DID resolution
As defined in [[DID-RESOLUTION]].
DID resolver
As defined in [[DID-RESOLUTION]].
Verifiable Credential (VC)
As defined in [[VC-DATA-MODEL]].
Verifiable Presentation (VP)
As defined in [[VC-DATA-MODEL]].
Linked Data Proofs
As defined in [[LD-PROOFS]].
Presentation Exchange
Presentation Definition
Presentation Submission
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
As defined in GDPR - DPIA
(Automated) Data Agreements (ADA)
As defined in [[ADA]]
Data Agreement Template
See Data Model
Data Agreement Record
See Data Model
Consent Receipts
As defined in [[KANTARA-CONSENTS]]
Verifiable Consents(VCON)
As defined in [[JSON-LD]]
Verifier Universal Interface(VUI)
As defined in [[VUI]]

Data Model

The data model aims to port the specifications of Kantara Consent Receipts and Automated Data Agreements to have a base Data Agreement structure that could be used on any SSI framework.

The Data Agreement represents all the information shared between a Holder and a Verifier in order to enjoy a given Digital Service.


JSON-LD is a JSON-based format used to serialize Linked Data.

The JSON-LD representation defines the following representation-specific entries:

The JSON-LD Context is either a string or a list containing any combination of strings and/or ordered maps.

Data Agreement Template

The Data Agreement Template is the base model to generate a Data Agreement. It MAY be offered by the Verifier to the Holder at the initiation of a Presentation Exchange.

Its contents MUST match the presentation definition to be processable


Template Id
The template id references univocally the Data Agreement Template. It SHOULD be linked to a specific presentation definition.
Template Version
The template version allows to keep tracking of updates on the Data Agreement template.
Holders MUST use the version to determine if they need to perform changes on an existing Data Agreement Record
Data Receiver

The data receiver MUST inform the user of all the information about the service provided and the usage of the data.

DID associated to the service provider
Name of the Service Provider to inform the Holder
OPTIONAL: Description of the service that will make use of the data
Base URL of the digital service provided to interact along the lifecycle of the data agreement
Consent Duration
Default duration of the data agreement if no further operations happen. After expiration, the data MAY be kept for regulation reasons, but not used or exploited any more.
Form of consent
OPTIONAL: Describes the way the holder needs to provide his consent. Either
  • 'explicit'
  • 'implicit'
Default is 'explicit'
Unique identifier of the purpose to use it as a reference
Purpose Description
Description of the purpose for which the data will be used
Purpose Category
Data privacy category under which falls this purpose of usage.

Credential purposes SHALL provide support for GDPR and other privacy regulations. Vocabulary MUST be in line with Data Privacy Vocabulary. The list of all accounted purposes has been used as a base for this selection.

The category MUST be one of the following:

  • 'Identify verification'
  • 'Fraud detection and prevention'
  • 'Access control'
  • 'Service Provision'
  • 'Service Optimization'
  • 'Service Personalisation'
  • 'Marketing'
  • 'Commercial Interests'
  • 'Research & Development'
Legal basis
Legal basis employed by the service provider for the usage of this data. One of:
  • 'consent'
  • 'legal_obligation'
  • 'contract'
  • 'vital_interest'
  • 'public_task'
  • 'legitimate_interest'
Method of use
OPTIONAL Indicate the Holder how the data will be processed by the Verifier
  • "none"
  • "data-source"
  • "data-using-service"
Data Policy
Data Retention Period
Time during which the data MAY be kept by the service provider, even after extinction of the consent.
Industry Scope
OPTIONAL Economic sector representing the service provided.
Geographic Restriction
OPTIONAL Geographic region where the data will be managed.
OPTIONAL List of legal jurisdictions under which the data will be used.
Policy URL
URL pointing to the privacy policy of this service
Storage Location
OPTIONAL Physical location of storage where the Data will be stored
Personal Data
Attribute name
Name describing univocally the attribute.

It MUST refer to an input descriptor ID on the associated Presentation Definition

Attribute sensitive
boolean Marks if this piece of information must be managed as sensitive information
List of purposes, referenced by their Id, under which this credential CAN be used.
OPTIONAL: Information about the DPIAs performed with the generic defined scopes if they have been performed
Time at which the DPIA was performed
Url to retrieve the DPIA report

The events will track all the lifecycle and interactions performed on the Data Agreement by the different parties.

Principle Did
DID of the actor performing the data agreement operation
Current state of the Data Agreement. MUST be one of the following:
  • 'Definition'
  • 'Preparation'
  • 'Capture'
  • 'Modification'
  • 'Revocation'
Version of the Data Agreement at the time the Event is performed
Time of operation of the Data Agreement
Data Proof asserting the event and the current resulting state of the Data Agreement, as described in VC Data Model. One or more cryptographic proofs that can be used to detect tampering and verify the authorship of a modification or acceptance event.
            "@context": "",
            "data_receiver": {
                "id": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH",
                "consent_duration": 365,
                "form_of_consent": "explicit",
                "name": "Bank Of America Fake",
                "service": "Bank Of America Demo",
                "url": ""
            "event": [{
                "principle_did": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH",
                "proof": [{
                    "created": "2022-01-13T07:48:40Z",
                    "creator": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH#keys-1",
                    "domain": "",
                    "nonce": "kX04XcM-rpYN4kDopwjaCX-ocxRwzrRs9R_DtsySghs=",
                    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
                    "signatureValue": "fRx1WYGM_77VS_7m6SA4hpmmQdT_keIlTABeDY-FA1rQXSe0_zgSDdmVAzcegUJ23jfbKrZY_6EEYrTaode5Dg",
                    "type": "JcsEd25519Signature2020",
                    "verificationMethod": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH#keys-1"
                "state": "Preparation",
                "version": "0",
                "timestamp": 1642060120223
            "personal_data": [{
                "attribute_name": "email",
                "attribute_sensitive": true,
                "purposes": ["Client authentication"]
                }, {
                "attribute_name": "debtRecords",
                "attribute_sensitive": true,
                "purposes": ["Client authentication","Special clients promotion"]
            "purposes": [{
                "data_policy": {
                    "data_retention_period": 300,
                    "geographic_restriction": "Europe",
                    "industry_scope": "Banking",
                    "jurisdictions": ["Spain", "EU"],
                    "policy_URL": "",
                    "storage_location": "Europe"
                "id": "Client authentication",
                "legal_basis": "legal_obligation",
                "method_of_use": "data-source",
                "purpose_category": "Identify verification",
                "purpose_description": "Authenticate the user to provide services"
            }, {
                "data_policy": {
                    "data_retention_period": 30,
                    "geographic_restriction": "Europe",
                    "industry_scope": "Banking",
                    "jurisdictions": ["Spain", "EU"],
                    "policy_URL": "",
                    "storage_location": "Europe"
                "id": "Special clients promotion",
                "legal_basis": "legitimate_interest",
                "method_of_use": "data-using-service",
                "purpose_category": "Service Personalisation",
                "purpose_description": "Collecting user data for offering specific promotions"
            "template_id": "x76ShERoQReZmWlLdJZWhWmWQx8bhGa",
            "template_version": "v1.0",

Data Agreement Record

The Data Agreement Record is an extension of the Data Agreement Template.

The Holder fills the template offered by the verifier with his personal data and the attribute unique ids that are being shared in that exchange.

Even if the Holder has multiple pieces of information satisfying the Verifier requirements, the Id of the one selected MUST be referenced in the Data Agreement without disclosing its contents.
This is necessary to enforce Data-minimization, and ensure that the Verifier only has rights to use the specific information shared by the Holder, and not any other of that same type that could also come from the same Subject.

The Data Agreement Record represents the current accepted state of a Data Agreement by both parties.
It SHOULD be used to maintain the lifecycle of the credential exchange performed between the Holder and the Verifier.

The Data Agreement Record MUST be kept at its last version by both the Holder and the Verifier. Previous versions of the Data Agreement are RECOMMENDED to be stored at least by Verifiers.


The additional properties added to the template are:

Unique ID to reference this Data Agreement
Current version of the Data Agreement Record
Data Holder
DID uniquely referencing the Holder of the credentials, performing the exchange.
It MAY be the same as the Data Subject. If using Peer DIDs for exchanges, it MUST be the Peer DID.
Data Subject
DID uniquely referencing the real persona to which the credentials used on the credential exchange have been issued.
It MAY be the same or different as the Data Holder.
Personal Data
Inside the personal data information, the following field MUST be included
Attribute Id
Unique reference to the Id of the Verifiable Credential shared satisfying this kind of information.
The credential Id MUST match the Id of the Credential that satisfies the Input Descriptor matching the Attribute name of this same piece of personal data
Termination timestamp
If present, it signalates that this Data Agreement Record is not in use anymore with the timestamp at which it was revocated.
    "@context": "",
    "data_holder": "did:gatc:NjBjNWJiNmY1ZjQ2NDYyZjk0Zjg0YWI4",
    "data_receiver": {
        "id": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH",
        "consent_duration": 365,
        "form_of_consent": "explicit",
        "name": "Bank Of America Fake",
        "service": "Bank Of America Demo",
        "url": ""
    "data_subject": "did:gatc:YzQxNjRjM2U4YTUzZGVkNjhmNjAxYzk5",
    "event": [{
        "principle_did": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH",
        "proof": [{
            "created": "2022-01-13T07:48:40Z",
            "creator": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH#keys-1",
            "domain": "",
            "nonce": "kX04XcM-rpYN4kDopwjaCX-ocxRwzrRs9R_DtsySghs=",
            "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
            "signatureValue": "fRx1WYGM_77VS_7m6SA4hpmmQdT_keIlTABeDY-FA1rQXSe0_zgSDdmVAzcegUJ23jfbKrZY_6EEYrTaode5Dg",
            "type": "JcsEd25519Signature2020",
            "verificationMethod": "did:gatc:24vXYrJLHzoEuooa7xV6AZG2wc6tZSfH#keys-1"
        "state": "Preparation",
        "version": "0",
        "timestamp": 1642060120223
    }, {
        "principle_did": "did:gatc:NjBjNWJiNmY1ZjQ2NDYyZjk0Zjg0YWI4",
        "proof": [{
            "created": "2022-01-13T07:50:12Z",
            "creator": "did:gatc:NjBjNWJiNmY1ZjQ2NDYyZjk0Zjg0YWI4#keys-1",
            "proofPurpose": "authentication",
            "signatureValue": "uWl5t_KSV09qG5nv5Opk0A-r0WoNKkeY9otdxA43sPwQFK4ZACVCKKT0bockbUYAhXm-SGBhQ45xlBwgH-GXDw",
            "type": "JcsEd25519Signature2020",
            "verificationMethod": "did:gatc:NjBjNWJiNmY1ZjQ2NDYyZjk0Zjg0YWI4#keys-1"
        "state": "Capture",
        "version": "1",
        "timestamp": 1642060212916
    "id": "3Nkep8bQygtyWyrmcJDkmnnmH8W1huJpZ4E2i6WyY1da",
    "personal_data": [{
        "attribute_id": "cred:gatc:NjMxNjc0NTA0ZjVmZmYwY2U0Y2M3NTRk",
        "attribute_name": "email",
        "attribute_sensitive": true,
        "purposes": ["Client authentication"]
        }, {
        "attribute_id": "urn:credential:hEoISQtpfXua6VWzbGUKdON1rqxF3liv",
        "attribute_name": "debtRecords",
        "attribute_sensitive": true,
        "purposes": ["Client authentication","Special clients promotion"]
    "purposes": [{
        "data_policy": {
            "data_retention_period": 300,
            "geographic_restriction": "Europe",
            "industry_scope": "Banking",
            "jurisdictions": ["Spain", "EU"],
            "policy_URL": "",
            "storage_location": "Europe"
        "id": "Client authentication",
        "legal_basis": "legal_obligation",
        "method_of_use": "data-source",
        "purpose_category": "Identify verification",
        "purpose_description": "Authenticate the user to provide services"
    }, {
        "data_policy": {
            "data_retention_period": 30,
            "geographic_restriction": "Europe",
            "industry_scope": "Banking",
            "jurisdictions": ["Spain", "EU"],
            "policy_URL": "",
            "storage_location": "Europe"
        "id": "Special clients promotion",
        "legal_basis": "legitimate_interest",
        "method_of_use": "data-using-service",
        "purpose_category": "Service Personalisation",
        "purpose_description": "Collecting user data for offering specific promotions"
    "template_id": "x76ShERoQReZmWlLdJZWhWmWQx8bhGa",
    "template_version": "v1.0",
    "version": "1"

Known deviations

There are some known deviations from Automated Data Agreements due to either technical implementation issues or to the adaptation to the Presentation exchange protocol.

Those changes apply to the relation between different subproperties of the Data Agreement or the cardinality between them:

Lifecycle management

This MUST be the lifecycle of a Data Agreement:
Simplified lifecycle of the data agreement record


The generation Data Agreement MUST be performed along a new Presentation Exchange. With any presentation exchange, a Data Agreement Template with a given Id and Version SHOULD be attached.

The Holder SHOULD check for existent Data Agreement Records belonging to the same data receiver id.

The process to generate a new Data Agreement would be:

  1. Assign a new random Id and set the version to 1
  2. Fill the Data Agreement Record with the attribute ids of the selected credentials matching the Presentation Definition
  3. Add an event with status Preparation with the new version and sign it with the Holder DIDs
  4. Only if the Holder DID is different than the Subject DID:
    Add an event with status Preparation with the new version and sign it with the Subject DID
  5. Send it to the Verifier
    1. Verify that all the requirements are filled.
    2. Add an event with status Capture with the version 1 and sign it with the Verifier DID
    3. Store the new version of the Data Agreement Record
    4. Return the updated Data Agreement Record to the Holder
  6. Store in the wallet the updated and approved Data Agreement Record to use it on current or next presentation exchanges.


The Data Agreement MAY be modified along time with new needs from both the Holder or the Verifier.

Any modifications of the Data Agreement MUST be performed along a new Presentation Exchange.

This table shows the different kind of modifications that can be performed on a Data Agreement:

                             |            Holder                   ||               Verifier             |
                            || Replacing shared credentials        || Asking for a different set of      ||
                            ||  with an equivalent                 || credentials                        ||
                            || Revoking access to some credentials || Modifying the credential purposes  ||
                            || => Partial Revocation               ||                                    ||
                            |                                                                             |
                            |           End of relationship => Full revocation                            |
                            |                                                                             |
Modifications performed on a data agreement by Actor

Modifications of the Data Agreement MUST result in a higher version of the Data Agreement Record

Every version of the Data Agreement Record MUST be signed by both the Verifier and the Holder. Every stable Data Agreement Record MUST contain at least 2 events with the current version, each signed by a different Actor.

Modifications by the Holder

The Holder CAN only modify some credentials, depending on the Category of the Purpose assigned to the credential.

Purpose Category Substitution Partial Revocation
'Identify verification'
'Fraud detection and prevention'
'Access control'
'Service Provision' X
'Service Optimization' X
'Service Personalisation' X
'Marketing' X X
'Commercial Interests' X X
'Research & Development' X
Actions on credentials depending on their purpose

This table is not a final definition.
The protocol of substitution or partial revocation of a specific purpose would be better configured at purpose level. It hasn't been suggested in the data model to avoid major divergencies with the Consent Receipts and ADA specifications.

The process to modify a Data Agreement would be:

  1. Update the Data Agreement version
  2. Perform the allowed modifications
  3. Add an event with status Preparation with the new version and sign it with the Holder DIDs
  4. Send it to the Verifier
    1. Verify that all modifications are allowed.
    2. Add an event with status Capture with the new version and sign it with the Verifier DIDs.
    3. Store the new version of the consent record.
    4. Return the updated Data Agreement Record to the Holder
  5. Store in the wallet the updated and approved Data Agreement Record to use it on current or next presentation exchanges.

Modifications by the Verifier

The process to modify a Data Agreement would be:

  1. Update the Data Agreement Template version
  2. Perform the requested modifications
  3. Update the Data Agreement version
  4. Add an event with status Definition with the new version and sign it with the Holder DIDs
  5. Send it to the Holder
    1. Decide if accept the requested modifications
    2. Fill the data agreement and the associated Presentation Exchange like in the Creation process
    3. Store the new version of the consent record.
    4. Return the updated Data Agreement Record to the Verifier
  6. Store the new Version of the Data Agreement Record in the Verifier storage to use it on current or next presentation exchanges.


The full revocation of the Data Agreement CAN be requested by both parties.

The process of revocation is done by sending a Data Agreement Record with the last known version with a termination timestamp and a new Event of status Revocation signed by the requester. The receiver MUST also add a new Event of status Revocation signed by the him. Both parties MAY store later the Data Agreement Record as proof of termination.


The provision of the data-using-service to the Subject MAY end after the acceptance of the revocation.

The usage of the data MAY be done up until the expiration of the Consent, as accepted in the first version.
The storage of Data MAY be executed for each specific purpose until it was accepted on the Data Agreement.

For security reasons, if using a Peer DID as a Holder for the Data Agreement, it is RECOMMENDED to also revoke the DID. In that case, further exchanges of this data CANNOT be trusted by the Verifier, rendering it unusable.

Embed in exchange

This section will provide a guide on how to integrate a Data Agreement inside a Presentation Exchange in the context of the Verifier Universal Interface.

As previously defined, to embed the Data Agreement in a Presentation Exchange, a Data Agreement Template MUST be defined. Said template MUST be either referred to or embedded in the Presentation Definition Document.

Upon receiving a Presentation Definition with an embedded Data Agreement Template, 4 options are possible:

  1. There is no previous Data Agreement for this data receiver. In this case a new one MUST be created.
  2. There is a previous Data Agreement for this data receiver with a different template_id. In this case a new one MUST also be created.
  3. There is a previous Data Agreement for this data receiver with the same template_id but a different template version. In this case the record MUST also be modified.
  4. There is a previous Data Agreement for this data receiver with the same template_id and template version. In this case no operations must be done.

In order for the Holder to communicate with the Verifier to manage the data agreement lifecycle, he MUST use the URL property of the data receiver.

The Verifier API to operate with data receivers MUST conform with the API defined on the corresponding VUI working package.

Whatever operations on the VUI Data Agreement Interface have been performed, the Holder MUST include the Data Agreement Record id in the data_agreement_id property of the presentation submission.