§ Sidetree REST API

Specification Status: Editor’s Draft

Latest published version: identity.foundation/sidetree/api

Troy Ronda (SecureKey)
Henry Tsai (Microsoft)
Mudassir Ali (Microsoft)
Isaac Chen (Microsoft)
Kyle Den Hartog (Mattr)
Daniel Buchner (Microsoft)
Orie Steele (Transmute)
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Sidetree protocol specification: identity.foundation/sidetree/spec


The following sections define the Sidetree resolution and operations endpoints. Please refer to the companion Sidetree REST API specification for additional information, as well as REST API definitions for the anchoring and CAS components.

§ Sidetree Resolution

Sidetree resolution requests to the REST API are based on the DID Resolution HTTP(S) binding. Resolution requests consist of a DID and MAY include DID parameters. As detailed in Resolution, the resolution request MAY include the initial state DID parameter.

The server responds with the DID Resolution Result composed of the DID Document and Method Metadata. Sidetree defines published, updateCommitment, and recoveryCommitment method metadata.

    "@context": "https://w3id.org/did-resolution/v1",
    "didDocument": DID_DOCUMENT_OBJECT,
    "didDocumentMetadata": {
        "method": {
            "published": boolean,
            "updateCommitment": UPDATE_COMMITMENT,
            "recoveryCommitment": RECOVERY_COMMITMENT

A resolution is requested as follows:

  1. The client MUST send a GET to the Sidetree resolution endpoint /identifiers/{did-with-or-without-initial-state} under the desired REST server path.
  2. If the DID does not exist and initial state was not provided:
    • The server MUST respond with HTTP Status Code 404.
  3. If the DID does not exist and valid initial state was provided:
    • The server MUST respond with HTTP Status Code 200.
    • The server MUST include the didDocument property, with its value set to the initial DID document that is constructed from the initial state.
    • The server MUST include the resolution response object didDocumentMetadata composed of a method object, which includes a published property with value false.
  4. If the DID does exist and has not been deactivated:
    • The server MUST respond with HTTP Status Code 200.
    • The server MUST include the didDocument property, with its value set to the latest DID document.
    • The server MUST include the resolution response object didDocumentMetadata composed of a method object which includes a published property with value true.
  5. If the DID does exist and has been deactivated:
    • The server MUST respond with HTTP Status Code 200.
    • The server MUST include the didDocument property, with its value set to a valid empty DID document including the populated id property.
    • The server MUST include the resolution response object didDocumentMetadata which includes a deactivated property with value true.
  6. Otherwise, for failure, the server MUST respond with an appropriate HTTP Status Code (400, 401, 404, 500).

§ Sidetree Operations

Sidetree operation requests to the REST API consist of a type property indicating the operation to be performed along with operation-specific properties and data.

    "type": OPERATION_TYPE,

A valid Sidetree Operation Request is a JSON document composed as follows:

  1. The Operation Request MUST contain a type property, and its value MUST be a valid operation defined in File Structure. The defined operations are create, recover, deactivate, update.
  2. Populate additional properties according to the appropriate subsection.
  3. The client MUST POST the Operation Request JSON document to the Sidetree operation endpoint /operations under the desired REST server path.
  4. The server MUST respond with HTTP status 200 when successful. Otherwise, for failure, the server MUST respond with an appropriate HTTP Status Code (400, 401, 404, 500).
    • In the case of a successful create operation, the server MUST return the DID Resolution Result for the DID as is detailed in Sidetree Resolution.

§ Create

    "type": "create",
    "suffixData": SUFFIX_DATA_OBJECT,
    "delta": DELTA_OBJECT

Use the following process to generate a Sidetree create operation JSON document for the REST API, composed as follows:

  1. The object MUST contain a type property, and its value MUST be create.
  2. The object MUST contain a suffixData property, and its value must be a Suffix Data Object(#core-index-file-create-entry).
  3. The object MUST contain an delta property, and its value must be a Create Operation Data Object.

§ Update

    "type": "update",
    "didSuffix": SUFFIX_STRING,
    "revealValue": REVEAL_VALUE,
    "delta": DELTA_OBJECT,
    "signedData": JWS_SIGNED_VALUE

Use the following process to generate a Sidetree update operation JSON document for the REST API, composed as follows:

  1. The object MUST contain a type property, and its value MUST be update.
  2. The object MUST contain a didSuffix property, and its value MUST be the DID Suffix of the DID the operation pertains to.
  3. The object MUST contain a revealValue property, and its value MUST be the reveal value of the DID the operation pertains to.
  4. The object MUST contain an delta property, and its value MUST be an Update Operation Delta Object.
  5. The object MUST contain a signedData property, and its value MUST be an IETF RFC 7515 compliant JWS Compact Serialization of the Update operation as defined in Provisional Index File.

§ Recover

    "type": "recover",
    "didSuffix": SUFFIX_STRING,
    "revealValue": REVEAL_VALUE,
    "delta": DELTA_OBJECT,
    "signedData": JWS_SIGNED_VALUE

Use the following process to generate a Sidetree recovery operation JSON document for the REST API, composed as follows:

  1. The object MUST contain a type property, and its value MUST be recover.
  2. The object MUST contain a didSuffix property, and its value MUST be the DID Suffix of the DID the operation pertains to.
  3. The object MUST contain a revealValue property, and its value MUST be the reveal value of the DID the operation pertains to.
  4. The object MUST contain an delta property, and its value MUST be a Recovery Operation Delta Object.
  5. The object MUST contain a signedData property, and its value MUST be an IETF RFC 7515 compliant JWS Compact Serialization of the Recovery operation as defined in Core Index File.

§ Deactivate

    "type": "deactivate",
    "didSuffix": SUFFIX_STRING,
    "revealValue": REVEAL_VALUE,
    "signedData": JWS_SIGNED_VALUE

Use the following process to generate a Sidetree deactivate operation JSON document for the REST API, composed as follows:

  1. The object MUST contain a type property, and its value MUST be deactivate.
  2. The object MUST contain a didSuffix property, and its value MUST be the DID Suffix of the DID the operation pertains to.
  3. The object MUST contain a revealValue property, and its value MUST be the reveal value of the DID the operation pertains to.
  4. The object MUST contain a signedData property, and its value MUST be an IETF RFC 7515 compliant JWS Compact Serialization of the Deactivate operation as defined in Core Index File.
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